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  • Writer's pictureSamantha

Heartmelt Motel

Updated: Mar 16, 2020

Hi Friends,

As some of you may know, Mayfair is hosting the Heart Melt Motel at their mall. If you don’t know what the Heart Melt Motel is, it is basically a moving Instagram display that gets hosted at different malls throughout the country. To kick off the Heart Melt Motel, Mayfair held an exclusive after mall hours VIP event. I was lucky enough to go with my friend Katarina.

I wasn't really sure what to expect from the Heart Melt Motel. Another shopping center had an entire Instagram room earlier in the year, and although they were very different, that was all I had to base my knowledge off of.

When we first walked in we saw the check in point, then some clothing displays from some stores in the mall, and then behind all of that was the Instagram set up. It was kind of funny when Katarina and I saw the models standing at the clothing displays because they were so still we weren't sure if they were manikins or not - until one moved.

While we were being checked off the list we were greeted and told about the open bar and appetizers. Any event with free drinks and food, especially when its unexpected, makes it 100x better. The first thing I did was go get some cotton candy.

The display was quite different than what I thought it would be. I thought it would be more open. It is basically just a rectangle with different little rooms in it. They didn't forget about the walls of the display, the exterior was covered in murals.

The energy in Mayfair that night was buzzing. Everyone was so happy and social. The place was filled with models, photographers, and bloggers. This was quite a plus because if you needed someone to take a photo of your group everyone was willing. I was surprised by how many people I knew. I had three friends working the event as models, two photographers I knew, and a couple bloggers as well. All of the staff were so nice as well and it looked like they were also having fun. It was so nice to socialize with so many friendly people, while all taking photos.

I definitely recommend checking the Heart Melt Motel out if you live in the area.

Photo by Timothy West

What do you think of malls putting up Instagram displays?

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