a day in my life tiktok and reel examples
a few examples of how products could be incorporated seemlessly into day in my life reels/tiktoks
Fossil Engraved Jewelry
Isn’t it every middle/high school girl’s dream to be like Troy & Gabriella or Taylor Swift & have a special necklace with you & your...
Article for the school newspaper: Keep Off The Grass
Title: Keep Off The Grass: Parking at TWU’s Langley Campus and Plans for the Future Section: News, Issue 3 Author: Samantha Twist...
Union Apparel.co Social Media Proposal
Union Apparel.co Social Media Proposal Goals: Raise awareness of the the brands Make engaging content that people want to interact with...
Fonts & Signage: Blog Post for Apollo Sign
We have signs all around us while walking down the street, riding the bus, or stepping into the mall. But how many signs have you seen...
New Health App, ThyForLife, Press Release
Embargoed until Wednesday, June 10 New Thyroid Tracker App, ThyForLife, Launched on Google Play Store Health Tracking App Allows Users to...
How to Stay Flexible When Changing Jobs
One thing that university students seem to stress a lot about is whether or not they will like their future career. Choosing courses, a...